Affect Therapeutics' program and app get great reviews from our members

Member Reviews

See what our members say about our program and app

These reviews and comments come from our members. We appreciate their gratitude, but we’re the ones who are grateful to be a part of their recovery.

“I have been to numerous fancy treatment programs, some even out of state. Affect is different. It is such a good fit and kept me honest and accountable. The breathalyzer saved my life and my marriage.”

“Without the support your team offers, I would not have gotten clean. I’ve been to a lot of different facilities but you guys have showed me how to want it– I have a busy life. I’m a mother, a business owner, and an extremely active woman. I can’t take 30 days off to get help. You guys have really thought this thing through thoroughly. The flexibility, the rewards and how it influences the brain to keep doing healthy behaviors, and the support of the advocate team is nothing like any other facility has offered. You stand by us when we can’t stand ourselves and for that I am grateful.”

“The app challenges keep my head in a place of recovery. Whenever I am having those moments and I feel weak, I make it a point to go into the app and complete a relevant challenge. I also like that the counselor actually checks these answers and we talk about it in session– Its not just going out into the great unknown and not being seen. You guys actually care– especially those who are in recovery and working as counselors and advocates.”

“I have a ton of legal issues — I messed up last minute on Friday and forgot to ask for a report — within minutes you guys gave me what I needed. This speaks to the whole program. Whenever I am in need you guys are on it. There is always a quick response with a quick fix”.

“I got excited to get my clean streak and then the app notified me that I missed my window — Although it was a little discouraging, I am reminded that I have my own sobriety date and am still sober. I know that and that is all that matters.”

“I wish I found you guys 2 years ago — I found Affect through Facebook. Honestly, it should be on billboards and ads everywhere because people just don’t know it exists, but it’s the best program out there.”

“Thank you very much! I’m very happy with the treatment and everyone. I’ve recommended Affect to my attorney for future clients of his. Hopefully more people will be able to get the help they need. Thanks again for everything!!!”

“Love is not a strong enough word when I say I love you guys. You guys are more supportive then anybody I know in person. Thanks for all the huge amounts of love!”

“Thank you guys for actually caring. I was telling the people in my group this the other day that I woke up a couple weeks ago and I felt great and I know that that’s partially due to the abstinence from using but it’s also due to me actually working on my recovery instead of just staying abstinent. I know that it’s also due to the counselor that I have and the people that are behind the scenes that text me like you guys and I just want everybody to know how appreciated that it is and how amazing I think it is you guys actually care!- I went through treatment several times and nobody has ever made me want to be in treatment as much as affect has. You guys have done more for my recovery in this short amount of time than any other treatment facility or counselor has ever been able to do for me in my recovery I know that I’m the one that has to put in the work but you guys are the ones that make me want to do the work so thank you so much!”

I appreciate how Affect checks on me every morning you guys are the reason I keep hanging on” 

“My depression and anxiety levels have been pretty great recently so for the last 2 weeks I have started to feel absolutely amazing. I haven’t been getting much rest still but I feel great and that’s a huge change from the past few years. So I think that I owe a lot of that obviously to myself but also to the work that I am doing with my counselors and inside of group and Affect. I have not gotten this much out of treatment ever so I want to thank all of you guys thank you so much for caring.”

Good morning! I am currently working on my challenges for the day. I actually enjoy all of them and they do help me stay sober. Writing the daily goals and reflections are great and I also like when they are educational. Right now I’m reading about different dysfunctional family roles and they helped me understand our family dynamics a little more.”

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