Are you addicted to marijuana?

Marijuana is addictive and mental health risks increase with highly potent cannabis. This quiz can help you see if you need help.

Since legalization and decriminalization has made marijuana more available, there are growing concerns about marijuana addiction.

The statistics show there is a problem. As many as 6% of the population of the United States are on the spectrum of marijuana addiction, according to experts in addiction treatment. Data suggests that 30% of people who use marijuana have some degree of marijuana use disorder. Another study shows that people who use cannabis have a 10% chance of becoming addicted to it. The marijuana available is now highly potent and increases the chances of addiction.

There are negative effects from using marijuana that include depression, anxiety, and in some cases, psychosis. Like any drug, marijuana affects the brain and causes problems with attention, memory and learning. If you smoke marijuana, there is of course damage to the lungs and heightened risk of infections. There are many more risks associated with heavy marijuana use.

Many people are now wondering if they are addicted to weed and if they may need marijuana rehab or addiction treatment to stop. If you are one of them, this quiz can help you put your marijuana use into perspective. It is not a scientific medical assessment, but it offers some things to think about as you consider if you need help for marijuana addiction. A primary indicator of an addiction is how using a substance leads to negative outcomes in your life, as well as your inability to stop using the substance.

Marijuana Addiction Self-Assessment Quiz

Instructions: Answer the following questions honestly by selecting the most appropriate option. At the end of the quiz, you will receive a score indicating the likelihood of your addiction to weed.

How frequently do you smoke or use marijuana?

a) Rarely or never
b) Occasionally, on weekends or social occasions
c) Several times a week
d) Daily or almost daily

Have you tried to cut back or quit smoking marijuana but found it difficult to do so?

a) No, I can easily quit or reduce my usage
b) Yes, but I eventually succeeded in cutting back
c) Yes, and I struggled to reduce my usage
d) No, I’ve never attempted to cut back or quit

How do you feel when you’re unable to smoke marijuana?

a) I feel no strong desire or discomfort
b) I have mild cravings but can manage without it
c) I experience moderate cravings and irritability
d) I feel intense cravings and significant discomfort

Do you find that you need to smoke more marijuana to achieve the desired effect?

a) No, I’m satisfied with my current level of consumption
b) Sometimes, but it doesn’t bother me much
c) Yes, I need to consume more to get the same high
d) I don’t experience the desired effect anymore

Have you experienced negative consequences due to your marijuana use (e.g., problems at work, school, relationships)?

a) No, my weed use hasn’t caused any issues
b) Some minor issues, but they’re manageable
c) Yes, I’ve had significant problems related to my usage
d) I’m not sure or haven’t noticed any negative consequences

How do you spend your time when you’re not smoking marijuana?

a) Engaging in various hobbies and activities
b) Mostly hanging out with friends who smoke
c) Mostly waiting for an opportunity to smoke again
d) I don’t have many interests outside of smoking

Have you prioritized buying marijuana over other important expenses (e.g., bills, food)?

a) No, I always prioritize my essential needs
b) Rarely, but it has happened occasionally
c) Yes, I’ve sacrificed important expenses for weed
d) I don’t have enough money to cover my essential needs

Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking marijuana?

a) No, I don’t experience any noticeable withdrawal symptoms
b) Mild symptoms like difficulty sleeping or irritability
c) Moderate symptoms like mood swings or anxiety
d) Severe symptoms that significantly impact my daily life

Have your friends or family expressed concern about your marijuana use?

a) No, nobody has expressed concern
b) A few people have mentioned it, but it’s not a major concern
c) Yes, several people have expressed concern
d) I don’t have close relationships or people who would express concern

How would you describe your overall relationship with marijuana?

a) It’s just a casual recreational activity for me
b) I enjoy it, but it doesn’t control my life
c) It has a significant impact on my daily life
d) I feel like I can’t function properly without it


  • For every a) response, assign 0 points.
  • For every b) response, assign 1 point.
  • For every c) response, assign 2 points.
  • For every d) response, assign 3 points.


  • 0-5 points: Your responses indicate a low likelihood of being addicted to marijuana. It seems that your marijuana use is infrequent, does not significantly impact your daily life or relationships, and you have no trouble controlling or quitting your usage when desired. However, it’s important to continue monitoring your consumption to ensure it remains at a healthy and manageable level.
  • 6-10 points: Your responses suggest a mild to moderate likelihood of being addicted to marijuana. While your marijuana use may not be excessive, you have experienced some difficulties in cutting back or quitting, and you may occasionally experience cravings or withdrawal symptoms. It is advisable to assess your relationship with marijuana and consider seeking support or exploring healthier coping mechanisms if you find it challenging to reduce your usage.
  • 11-15 points: Your responses indicate a moderate to high likelihood of being marijuana to weed. Your usage frequency and cravings suggest a stronger dependence on the substance. It is likely that marijuana is starting to have negative consequences in various aspects of your life. It is important to consider seeking professional help or support groups to address your addiction and develop healthier habits.
  • 16-30 points: Your responses strongly indicate a high likelihood of being addicted to marijuana. Your usage frequency, intense cravings, significant withdrawal symptoms, and negative consequences highlight a problematic relationship with the substance. It is crucial to seek professional assistance, such as addiction counseling or treatment programs, to address and overcome your addiction effectively.

Please note that this quiz is not a diagnostic tool, and a professional evaluation is necessary for an accurate assessment of marijuana addiction. If you have concerns about your weed use or any substance-related issues, reach out to us and let’s talk about your options for personalized guidance and support through our marijuana program delivered through our addiction treatment app.

Do you need help for marijuana addiction?

Affect’s digital treatment program can help you break free

Our all digital treatment program for cannabis and marijuana addiction works completely from your smartphone. We built our app with game design and the latest scientific research in what works best for treating difficult addictions. The result is a program that works more than twice as well as traditional treatment programs in rehab clinics.

Because it works all from your phone, you can access your counseling and medical appointments from wherever your are. You never have to go into a clinic. It fits your life better and is confidential and discreet. It keeps people working their programs so they reach their recovery goals faster and keeps them going. Unlike many programs, we understand that not all journeys are in a straight line. We stay with you through relapses as you gradually reduce your use.

Affect’s unique system of rewards for completing the steps in your recovery journey keeps you motivated and making progress. Treatment professionals call this method Contingency Management and it’s been shown to be one of the most effective methods to help people reach sustained recovery. As a licensed and accredited treatment provider, there are medications available that can help ease cravings and keep you more comfortable.

You can learn more about how it works or you can reach out and set up a time to talk to one of our treatment consultants to explore your options and see if Affect is the right fit for you. The program is covered by Medicaid and many commercial insurance plans, making it one of the most affordable options to get the kind of compassionate and professional care that makes it possible to build a new life.

A digital addiction treatment program that rewards your recovery

  • Our integrated recovery program works from an app on your smartphone.
  • Counseling and doctor appointments are conducted over secure video conference via the app, so you can attend them anywhere.
  • Our support team helps you with resources to rebuild your life, including housing, employment, medical care, managing your bills, and more.
  • Rewards keep you motivated.
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