
Media mentions and company announcements.

SUD Stakeholders’ Call to Payers: Contingency Management Key to Treating Stimulant Use Disorder – Behavioral Health Business

In this article for Behavioral Health Business, Bailey Bryant goes deep into issues with insurance companies and behavioral health providers around contingency management, which is shown to be the most effective method in treating stimulant use disorders – and is central in Affect’s approach. Affect’s CEO, Kristin Muhlner, speaks to how getting payer support is…

Affect fights drug addiction with video game design theory in a smartphone app – Cheddar Innovates

Affect’s CEO, Kristin Muhlner chats with ‘Cheddar Innovates’ about how Affect is leveraging the approaches that make games and smartphone apps so engaging to treat methamphetamine and cocaine addictions in a revolutionary way. Transcript: Megan Pratz: Welcome back to Cheddar Innovates, brought to you by CuriosityStream. Our next guest is on a mission to change…

Spotlight on Affect from Rethink Behavioral Health Innovation

Rethink Behavioral Health featured Affect in its Spotlight for new and interesting startups. CEO Kristin Muhlner shared how Affect is changing the way the world treats stimulant use disorders through our digital app for methamphetamine and cocaine addictions. Read more below: Solome: What does Affect Therapeutics do?     Kristin: Affect Therapeutics uses mobile technology to revolutionize recovery…

Affect raises a seed round to grow its stimulant abuse recovery service – TechCrunch

Alex Wilhelm at TechCrunch took note when we secured our seed round funding to begin building our app to treat meth and cocaine addiction. Alex, who is in recovery himself from alcohol use disorder, bluntly put it: “The only good amount of meth usage is precisely and exactly zero meth usage. So what Affect is…

Affect combines cash rewards and therapy in an app to fight meth addiction – Forbes

Anne Field interviewed Affect CEO Kristin Muhlner for Forbes in April 2021 about our approach to digital methamphetamine and cocaine addiction treatment. Applying game design theory and incentives to activate the brain’s reward system instead of substance abuse is shown to be more successful in reducing stimulant use. Affect’s app is a gateway to an…