Stop drinking and quit drugs without rehab. Telehealth addiction treatment works.

Great news! We work with your insurance provider 🎉

You can get started right away!

Download the Affect app to begin exploring and doing the daily challenges that support your recovery. Just use the same email and phone number as you go through the account set up and you’ll be on your way.

Download Affect's Sober App from the Google Play Store
Download Affect's Sober App from the Apple App Store

Here’s what happens next:

  • Our Care Team will contact you by text and phone ASAP to get you scheduled with a licensed recovery counselor.
  • Please look for our number and try to respond as soon as you can: 323-522-2218. Everything you share with us is entirely confidential. You’re safe.
  • In the meantime, we’ll confirm your insurance details and ensure that enrolling in Affect would be covered with your insurance. We’ll reach out if we need any additional information.
  • We’ll schedule your first appointment with your counselor who is looking forward to hearing your story.

The rewards of recovery begin immediately. Earn financial rewards as you take your first successful steps.

Someone from our Care Team will follow up ASAP. Have a question? Text us at 323-522-2218 to get the fastest response.

You can get telehealth alcohol treatment through Affect's app and quit drinking without rehab

“Love is not a strong enough word when I say I love you guys. You guys are more supportive then anybody I know in person. Thanks for all the huge amounts of love!”

Apple Store - Download
Google Play Store - Download