We’re in this together
Reaching out for help is a huge step. While we can’t enroll you just yet, we’re still here for you.
The resources below will help you find a recovery group to attend, get a smartphone, and apply for health insurance.
Even though we can’t enroll you in our counseling program yet or offer your rewards, you can do daily challenges in the app for free for as long as you want.
We don’t bill your insurance to use the app and the challenges are totally free.
Download the app to make progress in your recovery right away. Use your same email and phone number you submitted on our website to make account setup quick and easy!
How to find free support to recover from alcohol and drug addiction
These resources and support groups can help you start your journey to recovery.
- SAMHSA Treatment Finder
- A service from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration helps you locate all the treatment facilities in your area.
- SMART Recovery
- SMART Recovery is an international non-profit organization that provides assistance to individuals seeking abstinence from addiction. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training.
- AA
- Alcoholics Anonymous is the original 12 Step program that has helped millions of people find sobriety for decades.
- NA
- Narcotics Anonymous follows the 12 Steps and meetings are specifically geared for drug addicts.
- CA
- Cocaine Anonymous offers 12 Step meetings just for people with cocaine and crack.
- Crystal Meth Anonymous offers 12 Step meetings just for people struggling with Methamphetamine addictions or ongoing support of recovery.
A lot of people still struggle with relapses while trying to go it alone or in recovery rooms. No matter what happens, we’ll always be here for you anytime you need us. Everyone deserves a chance to change.
How to get a free or lower cost smartphone
If you don’t have a smartphone, you may be eligible for government assistance through the Lifeline program to get one. Lifeline also provides assistance with broadband Internet connectivity for your home.
How to get help with health insurance
If you are currently unemployed and don’t have health insurance, you may be eligible for Medicaid. Affect serves Medicaid members in multiple states.
Many people struggling with addiction do not seek help because they think they can’t afford treatment. We understand the fear and worry about not being able to get medical care. That’s why we made Affect one of the most affordable ways to get real treatment that works.
Affect’s entire program can even cost less than the insurance co-payments or the deductible required to attend rehab clinics. And cash rewards for completing the steps in your recovery journey help reduce the cost.
Unlike other treatment programs, we offer assistance with employment, housing, and health care as part of our wholistic curriculum.
Affect’s app can help you stop drinking and using drugs. Download it and start using it for free today.