Fighting the Stigma of Substance Use Disorders

The stigma of addiction is a barrier that keeps people from getting the help they need and it affects the lives of millions of Americans who are living in active recovery from substance use disorders (SUD). In this video, four celebrities in open recovery who advocate for those still suffering discuss the stigma. Musican Moby…

Alcohol Increases Cancer Risk

For many years, it was suggested that drinking alcohol had health benefits. News media and even credible medical and health websites frequently published stories where “studies” found drinking alcohol was good for things like heart health. However, a study of these studies by the World Health Organization in 2023 conclusively found that no level of…

How to set yourself up for success when you set a quit date for alcohol and drugs

You’ve made the resolution and chosen a date to quit drinking and using drugs. A healthier, happier life that you control is in your future. The journey starts with believing in yourself and your power to change. You can do this. As you count down the days to your new life, this is the time…

Being thankful in recovery

If you go to an AA meeting, you’ll inevitably hear an old-timer introduce themselves as a “grateful recovering alcoholic.” How can someone be thankful that they’re an alcoholic and addict?  It’s because they didn’t just achieve sobriety, they found recovery. People in recovery aren’t just grateful that they’ve stopped drinking and using, they’re grateful for…

Mental Health and Addiction

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. It is a day of raising mental health awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health issues.  There is a mental health crisis in America, and addiction is the leading cause. Addiction and mental health challenges are closely related, with one often leading to the other. It is…

Motivation and Rewards Help College Students with Marijuana Addiction

Are you starting to feel negative consequences because you’re using too much marijuana? Are you unable to cut back? You may have Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) and need real help to get control back over your life. You’re not alone. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 6 percent of adults…

Addiction Treatment Works Better with Rewards and Technology

If you’re interested in decreasing your substance use and living a healthier life, Contingency Management (CM) is a novel, evidence-based approach that you should know about. CM has been shown to be highly effective in helping individuals reduce substance use, make positive lifestyle changes, and maintain abstinence. Until recently, CM has largely been limited to…

Fentanyl and Meth: What you need to know

May 9th is National Fentanyl Awareness Day in the United States. The use of illegally-made fentanyl is driving a national health crisis as people use it unintentionally and die from overdoses. Fentanyl is now involved in more deaths of people under age 50 than any other cause in the country, including even heart disease, cancer,…

Gaslighting and Addiction

Every year, the Merriam-Webster dictionary selects a word of the year. For 2022, it’s “gaslighting.” The dictionary publisher noted that look ups for the word increased by 1,740% over the course of the year. Gaslighting and addiction are intertwined. Read on to learn more about how addicts gaslight others as well as themselves, and what…

Overdose Awareness and Prevention

International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31st. We here at Affect join those fighting to help people win the battle against Substance Use Disorders by helping to raise awareness and give information and resources when overdoses occur. You can get involved, honor a lost loved one, or donate at The number of overdoses is…