You can beat meth and crack without rehab
A digital recovery app is a game changer for addiction treatment
There are many media stories about how games, social media and smartphone apps are engineered to be addictive. But what if a smartphone app could use those powerful engagement techniques to hook someone on building new healthy habits, and work so well that it could actually treat addictions to substances like methamphetamine and cocaine, where traditional treatment falls short?
That’s exactly what we’ve done at Affect. Harnessing the power of behavioral science, we’ve built an integrated digital treatment program that finally works for the hardest drug addictions.
Hooked on Healthy Habits
Phones, apps, and games are considered “addictive” by some because they trigger the part of our brains neuroscientists call “the rewards center.” These experiences engage us and we keep coming back to them. Research has shown that a form of treatment called Contingency Management that uses incentives and rewards to make positive changes works best, by creating those same engaging experiences. Our program has more than double the success rate of traditional rehab clinical treatment. We beat addiction because we changed the rules.
Come find out how it works in one of our free group sessions. Your new life is ready and waiting for you.
“Affect has shown me a caring side that I never had for myself. It has made me rise as an individual and I have uplifted my courage, bravery, and willpower to obtain my sobriety. Not only did I find myself, but I also found friends in counseling. By friends, I mean someone who really believes in you when others won’t. This program is amazing and works.”

A private program in your pocket
Affect offers everything a rehab clinic does, but puts it all in your pocket and goes wherever you do. It’s discreet so you keep your recovery private while still having a compassionate community to support you.
You have access to individual and group therapy, medical assistance, and a full program that helps you learn to manage your triggers and rebuild a life while you recover. It’s built specifically to treat stimulant addictions like meth and cocaine. With rewards and incentives, you are continually motivated to keep working your recovery journey.
We stay with you as you learn new healthy habits to replace your drug habit. Many traditional programs discharge people for relapses. We’re different. Once you’re with us, we’re always with you.
Based on science that rewards healthy choices
Our program offers almost $600 in incentives as you succeed in treatment (known as “contingency management”) to help reward healthy activities and encourage new habits.
We also deliver group and individual therapy and medications to help manage your cravings. Together, these treatments have consistently shown better recovery outcomes than any other.
Entirely private, fully digital, and always available
All of your appointments are conducted over secure video conference, so you can choose where you’d like to be. No traveling to a rehab clinic or sitting on a folding chair in a basketball gym.
Our smartphone app provides direct access to your calendar, daily tasks, progress tracking, and care team. Whenever you need us, we’re with you.
Support both inside and outside of treatment
Need help finding a new job, a better place to live, a doctor, a way to lower your bills? We’ve got you.
Getting sober isn’t just about quitting. It’s also about changing your life for the better, forever. Your care team will work with you to make improvements that can sustain your recovery and give you a life you’re proud of.
Affect Member Reviews
You understood me and made sure I was safe in the midst of all my experiences.
I love my coach. He’s a licensed professional, not just another former addict.
This program is actually useful. My DUI program takes an hour just to do roll call.
This program changed my life. I now have goals. Before I had nothing.

Fear over cost of treatment keeps many people from getting the help they need. Affect accepts Medicaid and is the one of the most affordable programs available.

Let’s get started getting better. We’re here for you.